On October 15th at 6:59pm our beloved teacher, friend, and colleague Don Brahmanand Stapleton left his physical body and crossed over into forevermore. Don believed with deep conviction that he was far greater than the limitations of his physical body and that his adventure wouldn’t end with that last breath. Perhaps this is why we feel his light shining brighter than ever.
When someone we love dies, a part of them lives on forever inside us. They’re alive in our words, thoughts, memories, and dreams.
Alongside our grief is a deep knowing that we could never have become the current version of ourselves without their impact.
When a teacher dies (a parent, mentor, or wise friend), the supportive clues and treasures they leave behind are everywhere.
Don gifted us with a very specific roadmap—a detailed set of instructions for living an embodied, authentic life.
When I first met Don (and his wife Amba) 22 years ago, I could never have imagined how profound his influence on my life and work would be. He encouraged and believed in me when I didn’t fully believe in myself.
Don has touched thousands of lives through his legacy of self-inquiry, non-authoritarian teaching, and self-awakening yoga.
Whether you knew Don or not, if you’ve ever studied or practiced with DevaTree, Don’s legacy has touched you too.
With Love,
Don taught me lessons that I have come back to again and again in my life. First, that love is always there for me, shining all along. I just need to look up and around to receive it. Second, that in the cycle of creativity, the space that feels the scariest is where to breathe, rest and relax. When I do, the fertile void goes from being a scary place of free fall and anxiety to a place of comforting darkness. I remember in Nosara I learned to love walking in the warm dark air floating in the incredible starlight. I carried so much wisdom from Don & Amba home with me to Maine where I gave them to other people. We walked in the dark along an ocean path, smelling the seaside roses and the salty breeze to do yoga in nature under the moonlight on large slabs of granite. Don and Amba have been one of the only healthy adult relationships that I carry as a model for what I would like in my life. Reading about Dons experience of his teacher in his book was a transmission of sorts that helped awaken me. I love inquiry yoga – to feel the yoga move me from within. I’m so grateful to call Don my teacher. He was a sweet friend who showed me the way from darkness to light. I send many blessings for his transition and so much gratitude for the life he chose to
build and the way you all cared for him so deeply. His impact and reach such a sparkling interconnected web. Loving you. Ellen Pierce